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Crystal Ultra Clean Plus

Certification Image
Certification Image
Certification Image

Nyní můžete udržovat požadovanou teplotu tím, že udržíte nízké náklady na energii… a nejen to! CRYSTAL ULTRA CLEAN Plus je energeticky účinný model se SEER až 7,4 a energetickou třídou A++/A+++ (chlazení/topení). Použití UV lamp může snížit nebo zabránit mikroorganismům v cirkulaci ve vašem domě nebo kanceláři. S funkcí 3D proudění vzduchu má funkci automatického horizontálního natáčení a automatického vertikálního natáčení, která zajišťuje rovnoměrnější a pohodlnější proudění vzduchu.

  • attribute-image
  • Ionizer Filter
  • attribute-image
  • 3D AirFlow
  • attribute-image
  • Wind Avoid Me
  • attribute-image
  • Wi-Fi Active
1W in Standby mode

The unit consumes less than 1W in standby mode.

Chiller leakage detection system

In case of cooling fluid leakage, the unit automatically detects the leak and shuts operation down while at the same it alerts you with the corresponding malfunction code on the indoor unit screen.

Wi-Fi Active

You can remotely control one or more Carrier air conditioners and dehumidifiers with a user-friendly mobile app (available for iOS & Android). The Wi-Fi stick is placed within the product packaging and no additional equipment is required to connect the device.

Follow Me Mode

A temperature sensor built in the remote controller will sense its surrounding temperature. The unit can adjust room temperature more accurately to the area you place the remote controller, to give you greater comfort.

Golden Fin

Makes the unit 5 times more resistant to the harshest of environments such as coastal areas or during acid rain.

Sleep Mode

This mode saves energy and improves night time comfort. The set temperature will increase by 1°C per hour in cooling mode or decrease by 1°C per hour in heating mode, for the first 2 hours of operation. Thereafter the unit will retain the new temperature for 5 hours after which it will switch off automatically!

Auto Defrosting

Prevents evaporator from freezing and maintains dehumidifying effect under low temperature ambient.

9 selection steps

9 levels of outdoor unit fan speed selection.

Turbo Mode

Turbo function will be helpful to cool or heat your room quickly and effectively.

Electrical voltage protection (168 to 264V)

The can fully operate within the power range of 168 to 230V, while also being protected from any fluctuations that may occur within this range.

Low Ambient Cooling/Heating

Low Ambient Cooling/Heating

Wind Avoid Me

Choose this mode to redirect the air away from the users.

Filtr Cold Catalyst

Eliminates formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as well as harmful gases and odors. The filter’s effectiveness does not deteriorate over time.

Filtr Vitamin C

Vitamin C, with its antioxidant action, is beneficial for skin health, due to its important role in the synthesis of skin collagen. This filter releases Vitamin C in the space, enhancing the elasticity and hydration of the occupants’ skin during the operation of the air conditioner.

Filtr Negative Ion

This filter releases negative ions that refresh the air and provide a clean, refreshing atmosphere.

Remote Control Locking

You can lock the remote control to make sure that the selected settings are not accidentally changed.

3D Airflow

Ability to operate a 3D air supply for optimal redistribution of space.

Silent Mode

Indoor fan will run at super quiet mode, achieving extremely low noise levels.


The manufacturer reserves the right to change the characteristics of the products, the elements and the images, without prior notice.

Stáhněte si naše dokumenty

File imageBrochure
File imageInstallation and Owners Manual
File imageOwners Manual Remote Control
File imageProduct Fiche
File imageEnergy Label 9
File imageEnergy Label 12
File imageEnergy Label 18
File imageEnergy Label 24
File imageEnergy Label 42


    Ostatní Produkty


    • CoolEasy je synonymem pro absolutní flexibilitu!
    • Vynikající energetická účinnost s SEER až 9
    • Snadná instalace a údržba za 1 minutu
    • 3D proudění vzduchu
    • Spolehlivý provoz od -15 °C do + 50 °C
    • Čtyřnásobný filtrační systém: Předfiltr studeného katalyzátoru, vitamín C, záporný ion
    • Tři možnosti provozního výkonu (50 % -75 % – 100 %)
    • WiFi standard

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