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30KAVZE/KAVPZE Variable-Speed Screw Liquid Chiller with Greenspeed® Intelligence

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Nominal cooling capacity 370 – 820 kW

  • Refrigerant R-1234ze
  • 2nd generation of high-efficiency variable-speed twin screw compressors with built in volume index control (Vi) valve for optimal full and part load performance and Integrated Resonator Array (IRA) for low sound operation
  • 30KAVPZE premium efficiency with a Permanent Magnet technology motor. Motor is synchronous and spins without any slip and rotor losses.
  • 6th generation of Carrier Flying BirdTM fans with AC or EC motor depending on options.
  • Carrier flooded shell-and-tube evaporator with new copper tubes for low pressure drops
  • 3rd generation of “W” profile Carrier NovationTM microchannel heat exchangers with optional Enviro-Shield coatings.
  • Carrier SmartVuTM control with color touch screen user interface that includes 10 languages and new smart energy monitoring function

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