V souladu s hodnotami naší společnosti pro respekt a začlenění s hrdostí oznamujeme, že naše webové stránky (ahi-carrier & toshiba-aircon) jsou přepracovány tak, aby vyhovovaly různým potřebám, preferencím a situacím uživatelů (Design for all).
Neustále pracujeme na vylepšování našich firemních webových stránek, aby byly aktualizované, funkční, uživatelsky přívětivé a dostupné pro každého.
e-Accessibility zajišťuje, že naše webové stránky byly navrženy, vyvinuty a upraveny tak, aby více uživatelů mělo stejné informace a funkce, včetně lidí se zdravotním postižením.
Společnost Carrier s potěšením oznamuje svůj debut na každoročním seznamu „Clean200“, který sestavují Corporate Knights a As You Sow, čímž uznává důležitou práci společnosti Carrier, která vede k udržitelné budoucnosti čisté energie. Společnost Carrier je hrdá na to, že udržitelnost klade do středu našich produktů, služeb, obchodních modelů a investic.
Letošní společnosti Clean200 se dostaly na vrchol skupiny 8 480 globálních firem, které vydělávají více než 1 miliardu dolarů ročně, na základě pečlivého posouzení výše příjmů, které každá společnost získá z produktů a služeb v souladu s taxonomií čisté ekonomiky Corporate Knights – zatímco také zajištění vysokých etických obchodních standardů v celé společnosti.
„Jsme odhodláni učinit svět bezpečnější a udržitelnější pro další generace a je obohacující vidět, že Carrier je za toto úsilí uznáván,“ řekla Jennifer Anderson, Chief Sustainability Officer, Carrier. „Být mezi 50 nejlepšími z Clean200 signalizuje výrazný pokrok oproti našim ambiciózním cílům ESG pro rok 2030, včetně pomoci snížit uhlíkovou stopu našich zákazníků o více než jednu gigatunu a dosáhnout uhlíkové neutrality v našich vlastních provozech do roku 2030.“
Clean200 je 200 největších veřejných společností seřazených podle příjmů ze zelené energie. Žebříček byl poprvé vypočítán 1. července 2016 a veřejně zveřejněn 15. srpna 2016 společnostmi Corporate Knights a As You Sow. Aktuální seznam byl aktualizován o data do 31. ledna 2022.
Atény, 9. února 2022 – Během nedávné výroční konference ID/JV Carrier ΕΜΕΑ, Play to Win, byla společnost AHI Carrier Europe oceněna za „největší výkon chladiče“.
Během konference byl prezentován vývoj odvětví a byly analyzovány hlavní úspěchy a strategické osy rozvoje společnosti Carrier v širší oblasti EMEA.
Cenu převzala generální ředitelka společnosti, paní Katerina Dima, za dosažení nejvyšších prodejů chladičů mezi 20 zeměmi.
AHI Carrier Europe zaznamenala další výjimečný rok, kdy dosáhla růstu obratu i ziskovosti a potvrdila své vedoucí postavení na trhu.
O společnosti:
AHI Carrier Europe je odpovědná za distribuci a poprodejní služby klimatizačních produktů Carrier a Toshiba v jihovýchodní a střední Evropě. Společnost nabízí širokou škálu řešení vytápění, klimatizace a chlazení pro domácí, komerční a průmyslové aplikace.
Neustále rostoucí trend dělá z AHI Carrier Europe jednu z nejúspěšnějších společností, které neustále investují do lidí a infrastruktury.
Carrier na seznamu nejobdivovanějších společností Fortune World pro rok 2022
Společnost Carrier Global Corporation, přední světový poskytovatel zdravých, bezpečných, udržitelných a chytrých řešení a zařízení pro budovy, je na seznamu Fortune’s Fortune’s Fortune’s World’s Most’s Most Admired Companies pro rok 2022. ( Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies list for 2022 ).
Carrier se věnuje všemu důležitému: planetě, lidem a komunitám. Společnost inovuje, aby čelila nejsložitějším výzvám, a upřednostňuje řešení, která mají největší dopad na společnost. Prodloužením svých tříletých ekologických cílů se Carrier zavázal snížit uhlíkovou stopu svých zákazníků o více než gigatunu do roku 2030 a zároveň dosáhnout uhlíkové neutrality ve svých vlastních provozech.
Carrier byl hodnocen na základě devíti kritérií: inovace, společenská odpovědnost, finanční síla, dlouhodobá hodnota investice, globální konkurenceschopnost, řízení lidí, kvalita služeb, využití podnikových aktiv a řízení kvality. Žebříček, který je určován na základě průzkumů mezi vedoucími pracovníky, manažery a analytiky, je považován za definitivní hodnocení firemní pověsti.
Chcete-li se dozvědět více o environmentálních, sociálních (ESG) cílech společnosti Carrier do roku 2030, navštivte zde.
During the “Weathermakers Day”, AHI Carrier CSEE presented the new Ecodesign regulation and the innovative Carrier HVAC solutions towards a greener, sustainable and efficient future.
Over 230 engineers and HVAC professionals joined AHI Carrier CSEE at the “Weathermakers Day 2018” event that was held in Athens on April 25th. The meeting was dedicated to discussing the new EU Ecodesign regulation and the way this affects the HVAC industry.
Carrier, continuing its proven history of innovation, featured new solutions for commercial and industrial applications that not only meet, but surpass the new Ecodesign requirements, achieving higher performances with lower energy consumption. The ongoing research and development, that Carrier heavily invests on, has led to new technologies and component improvements that lead the advances of the industry.
Mr. Thanasis Paliogiannis, Sales Manager BSS & Projects, and Mr. Dimitris Panagos, Sales Manager South Greece & Cyprus of AHI Carrier SE Europe Air-Conditioning S.A, shared the stage during the event, enlightening the audience and offered topics for the discussions that followed.
Managing Director Ms. Katerina Dimas welcomes the engineers and professionals that attended the event
Ms. Sophie Tilaveridi, Marketing Manager of AHI Carrier SE Europe Air-Conditioning S.A
Engineers and HVAC professionals at the Weathermakers Day 2018
Mr. Thanasis Paliogiannis, Sales Manager BSS & Projects at AHI Carrier SE Europe Air-Conditioning S.A
Mr. Dimitris Panagos, Sales Manager South Greece & Cyprus at AHI Carrier SE Europe Air-Conditioning S.A
Discussions and clarifications regarding the new EU Ecodesign regulations
About AHI Carrier SE Europe Air-Conditioning S.A:
AHI Carrier SE Europe Air-Conditioning S.A operates in 15 countries in Southeastern and Central Europe and is responsible for the distribution and after-sales services of Carrier and Toshiba air-conditioning products. It offers a wide range of heating, air-conditioning and cooling solutions for residential, commercial and industrial applications.
The constant upward course and geographical expansion of the company’s activities make it one most successful Greek companies.
Eurovent (European Committee of Air Handling and Refrigeration) is an independent non-profit European organization that was established in 1958 and acts as a business union of the cooling, air-conditioning, heating and ventilation sector.
Eurovent tests and certifies that the performance and technical characteristics of such products follow all European and global guidelines. When a product is certified from Eurovent, it is guaranteed that it will perform as its’ manufacturer claims. Products that bear Eurovent’s certification badge go through strict testing protocols and are accurately evaluated from the independent organization.
Consumers benefits
When consumers see Eurovent’s certification badge on a product, they can be 100% certain that it functions exactly as its’ manufacturer claims:
Claimed electricity consumption is true
Claimed technical characteristics are present and valid
Claimed performance and Energy Rating are true and guaranteed
On the contrary, consumers should be aware that non-certified products can deviate from the labeled performance and technical characteristics.
Carrier certified products
Carrier, the company established in 1915 by Willis Carrier, modern’s air-conditioning inventor, has been for more than 100 years one of the world’s leading companies in industrial and household cooling and heating solutions. We are proud to bear Eurovent’s certificate badge on all our products:
The heat pump is a heating and cooling system based on the most sustainable principle of operation: instead of generating heat by consuming energy, it pumps (hence the name “pump”) the heat that already exists in the environment and transfers it to our space .
Air-to-water heat pumps are currently the most widely used heating and cooling medium in the world, with uses covering all sizes and types of buildings, whether for homes or large businesses.
How does the Heat Pump work?
The air-water heat pump takes the thermal energy that exists in the ambient air and brings it into our space, heating the indoor air, as well as the water the household uses.
Consumes minimal electricity and only during the heat pump phase. In fact, of the total heat produced, only 25% is attributed to the use of electricity. This means that 75% of the heat generated by heat pumps comes entirely from thermal energy pumped from the environment, ie from acompletely free, renewable and clean energy source. In this way, the heat pump manages to be the most economical heating system in existence.
8 important reasons to choose Heat Pumps
It is the most economical heating solution: according to the study of the National Technical University of Athens “Comparison of heating costs from different technologies”, heat pumps offer savings: 33% from pellets, 44% from closed energy fireplace, 38-45% from natural gas, 61% from oil and 71% from electric boilers.
They are subsidized by many public aid programs, as they are environmentally friendly, are classified in renewable energy sources and do not emit any pollutants.
They are connected to the existing hydraulic system of radiators and can easily replace any boiler, without the need for work inside the house.
They do not require a special boiler room or chimney.
They have the lowest maintenance costs compering to any complete heating-cooling system.
They offer very economical hot water for use while some pumps can be combined with an existing solar collector.
They work in heating and cooling even in the most extreme conditions.
The amortization of their initial investment is done immediately as the economy resulting from its use is extremely large.
Carrier Heat Pumps for up to 80% savings!
Carrier heat pumps feature Twin-Rotary DC Inverter dual-rotary compressor technology and energy efficiency certification from the independent Eurovent certification body *.
Thanks to their modern technology, they achieve high energy efficiency up to 120% in relation to their nominal power, without emptying the family wallet. Energy and financial savings can reach up to 80% compared to using an oil burner, while also offering hot water up to 60°C and air conditioning in summer.
With small size and easy installation, they are suitable for apartments and houses, as well as for business premises such as doctor’s offices, restaurants and hotels.
They can be connected to floor, ceiling, suspended ceiling, underfloor heating systems and solar panels for even more flexibility and economy in existing or new heating systems.
Advanced Technology for High Energy Efficiency
Carrier’s modern heat pumps are equipped with a GMC processor and digital controller and combine two electronic control parameters to optimize compressor operation in all operating conditions. Thus, the Twin-Rotary DC Inverter hybrid compressor can quickly reach the desired temperature and maintain it with unbeatable energy efficiency. In addition, they are very easy to use with a large control screen to select the temperature and schedule the operation on the days and hours you want.
For the most reliable heating system, turn to the experts
Carrier is the company founded in 1915 by Willis Carrier, the inventor of modern air conditioning, and since then until today has not stopped innovating in the field of professional and home air conditioning.
The largest and most important buildings in the world, constructions with very different air conditioning needs and special technical requirements, such as the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican, the Sydney Opera House in Australia, the Onassis Foundation and the Acropolis Museum in Athens, and many more, have trusted Carrier for their air conditioning.
The Carrier R&D team has one of the largest technology research facilities for HVAC systems. Our laboratory is unique in Europe, both in terms of cooling capacity coverage, and for the accuracy of measurements it provides and its compliance with the standards EN 14511 and EN 14825.
Carrier Heat Pumps meet and exceed European ecodesign requirements for energy savings and carbon footprint reduction.
By choosing Carrier, you choose the experts. You choose the inventor of modern air conditioning.
* Eurovent verifies and certifies that the performance and technical characteristics of the air conditioners fully comply with European and international standards. A Eurovent certified device is guaranteed to deliver what its manufacturer states. In order for a device to bear Eurovent’s certification stamp, it has passed the strict control protocols of the independent authority and has been accurately evaluated. Learn more.
Fresh air is always good!
Say goodbye to germs, allergens and harmful microorganisms.
The air in my house is clean.
And yet! The air inside a house can be more polluted than the air we breathe outdoors. More polluted than a city’s busy street, with consequences for our health.
Myth 2:
Germs in my house? No way! I clean and ventilate every day!
Of course, the meticulous and frequent ventilation of a house is a must, but we must not forget that it is not enough. Suspended particles from household cleaning products, from burning wood in the fireplace or stove and from cigarette smoking, even dust from the fabrics of our furniture and clothes or the hair of our pets can be harmful to the human body.
At Carrier, with more than 120 years of experience in home microclimates, we know very well how beneficial to our health is the fresh air in our home. Precious as the fresh air we breathe when we are in nature.
Our constant concern and goal is to create products that can significantly improve air quality in all interiors to make every home carefree and safe and most importantly, the people who live in it to enjoy a perfectly healthy atmosphere, every day.
Carrier’s innovative Novel Air & Pioneering Air air purifiers, tested in thousands of homes around the world, are here to clean up for you and your family.
With top quality construction and the power of the most advanced cleaning filters, Novel Air & Pioneering Air air purifiers, bear the signature of Carrier, ie the inventor of modern air conditioning.
Discover all Carrier Air Purifiers here.
A message from Carrier, AHI Carrier SE Europe SA’s parent company
Updated March 23, 2020
These are unprecedented times. At Carrier, protecting the health, safety and well-being of our employees and serving our customers is our top priority. Our solutions are essential to healthy living – to maintaining indoor air quality, transporting the world’s perishable food and medical supply and keeping people protected from smoke and fire. As we navigate the evolving circumstances surrounding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), we are taking actions aligned with the latest information and global guidance to protect our employees, serve our customers and minimize the spread of the virus while continuing to provide essential products and services.
We have taken important precautionary measures spanning all areas of our business, both in our offices and our manufacturing sites, to protect the safety, health and well-being of our employees. We have implemented travel restrictions, enhanced deep cleaning procedures across all facilities, modified processes to enable social distancing, and modified schedules to minimize employee gatherings, including remote working arrangements for those whose jobs allow. We have also provided comprehensive health and safety information to employees at all of our locations, and we will continue to work to identify additional ways to enhance the safety of our facilities.
Because all of our businesses are considered essential, consistent with the federal and state guidance currently in effect, we will remain fully operational during this pandemic. Our HVAC solutions are essential to ensure heating and cooling services will be available to hospitals, homes and businesses. Our refrigeration solutions are essential to ensure the safe transport of food and pharmaceuticals to the general population and those most in need. And our fire and security products are essential to ensure the safety and well-being of those confined to their residences, working in essential businesses, or recovering from illness. Our exceptional workforce remains committed to meeting these essential needs of our customers, including pharmaceutical manufacturers, to ensure that they too can continue to provide their much-needed products and services.
Our commitment remains steadfast to ensure the safety of our employees while delivering the essential solutions and services we know customers rely on to keep the world healthy, safe, and comfortable.
As part of its commitment to provide customers with solutions that use the right refrigerant for each application, Carrier has selected R-32 refrigerant to replace R-410A refrigerant, a high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant, in commercial chillers using scroll technology. R-32 was chosen for its lower environmental impact, high energy efficiency, wide availability and ease of use. In Europe, the refrigerant will be offered in some scroll chillers beginning in the first half of 2020. Introductions will follow in other regions and all will meet UN Montreal Protocol Kigali Amendment regulations taking effect in 2023. Carrier, a world leader in high-technology heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions, is a part of Carrier Global Corporation (NYSE: CARR), a leading global provider of innovative heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC), refrigeration, fire, security and building automation technologies.
“Carrier focuses the right refrigerant for each application in order to provide the very best solutions for our customers,” said Chris Nelson, President, HVAC, Carrier. “After thorough evaluation of the options, Carrier selected R-32 for scroll chillers and heat pumps for its lower impact on the environment, reaffirming our continued commitment to sustainability.”
Carrier’s use of R-32 refrigerant and expert system design will reduce the refrigerant carbon footprint by 80% in commercial scroll chillers and heat pumps. This is due to the much lower GWP and a significant system refrigerant charge reduction compared to the previous generation using R-410A.
Carrier is continuously investing in long-term solutions to lead the industry and promote highly efficient products with lower impact on global warming. This announcement follows Carrier’s 2018 selection of R-454B, known commercially as Puron Advance™, as its primary lower GWP solution to replace R-410A in ducted residential and package unitary commercial products utilizing scroll compressors sold in North America. Carrier also previously announced commitments to move toward low GWP refrigerants with the selection of HFO R-1234ze(E) for screw chillers in Europe in 2015, the introduction of R-513A in multiple centrifugal and screw chillers in 2018 and finally the introduction of the award winning AquaEdge® 19DV centrifugal chiller using HFO R-1233zd(E) in 2016.
About Carrier
Founded by the inventor of modern air conditioning, Carrier is a world leader in high-technology heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions. Carrier experts provide sustainable solutions, integrating energy-efficient products, building controls and energy services for residential, commercial, retail, transport and food service customers. Carrier’s HVAC business is a part of Carrier Global Corporation, a leading global provider of innovative HVAC, refrigeration, fire, security and building automation technologies.
V souladu s hodnotami naší společnosti pro respekt a začlenění s hrdostí oznamujeme, že naše webové stránky (ahi-carrier & toshiba-aircon) jsou přepracovány tak, aby vyhovovaly různým potřebám, preferencím a situacím uživatelů (Design for all). Neustále pracujeme na vylepšování našich firemních webových stránek, aby byly aktualizované, funkční, uživatelsky přívětivé a dostupné pro každého. e-Accessibility zajišťuje, že… Pokračovat ve čtení Firemní web je nyní navržen pro VŠECHNY – e-Accessible
Společnost Carrier s potěšením oznamuje svůj debut na každoročním seznamu „Clean200“, který sestavují Corporate Knights a As You Sow, čímž uznává důležitou práci společnosti Carrier, která vede k udržitelné budoucnosti čisté energie. Společnost Carrier je hrdá na to, že udržitelnost klade do středu našich produktů, služeb, obchodních modelů a investic. Letošní společnosti Clean200 se dostaly… Pokračovat ve čtení Carrier debutuje na seznamu Carbon Clean200
Atény, 9. února 2022 – Během nedávné výroční konference ID/JV Carrier ΕΜΕΑ, Play to Win, byla společnost AHI Carrier Europe oceněna za „největší výkon chladiče“. Během konference byl prezentován vývoj odvětví a byly analyzovány hlavní úspěchy a strategické osy rozvoje společnosti Carrier v širší oblasti EMEA. Cenu převzala generální ředitelka společnosti, paní Katerina Dima, za
Carrier na seznamu nejobdivovanějších společností Fortune World pro rok 2022 Společnost Carrier Global Corporation, přední světový poskytovatel zdravých, bezpečných, udržitelných a chytrých řešení a zařízení pro budovy, je na seznamu Fortune’s Fortune’s Fortune’s World’s Most’s Most Admired Companies pro rok 2022. ( Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies list for 2022 ). Carrier se věnuje všemu důležitému: planetě,
During the “Weathermakers Day”, AHI Carrier CSEE presented the new Ecodesign regulation and the innovative Carrier HVAC solutions towards a greener, sustainable and efficient future. Over 230 engineers and HVAC professionals joined AHI Carrier CSEE at the “Weathermakers Day 2018” event that was held in Athens on April 25th. The meeting was dedicated to discussing… Pokračovat ve čtení AHI Carrier SE Europe Air-Conditioning S.A unveils the future of the HVAC industry
Eurovent (European Committee of Air Handling and Refrigeration) is an independent non-profit European organization that was established in 1958 and acts as a business union of the cooling, air-conditioning, heating and ventilation sector. Eurovent tests and certifies that the performance and technical characteristics of such products follow all European and global guidelines. When a product… Pokračovat ve čtení What is Eurovent’s certificate? Everything Air-conditioner consumers need to know
The heat pump is a heating and cooling system based on the most sustainable principle of operation: instead of generating heat by consuming energy, it pumps (hence the name “pump”) the heat that already exists in the environment and transfers it to our space . Air-to-water heat pumps are currently the most widely used heating… Pokračovat ve čtení Heat Pumps: the most economical heating solution that respects the environment
Fresh air is always good! Say goodbye to germs, allergens and harmful microorganisms. The air in my house is clean. Reality: And yet! The air inside a house can be more polluted than the air we breathe outdoors. More polluted than a city’s busy street, with consequences for our health. Myth 2: Germs in my… Pokračovat ve čtení New Air Purifiers from Carrier
A message from Carrier, AHI Carrier SE Europe SA’s parent company Updated March 23, 2020 These are unprecedented times. At Carrier, protecting the health, safety and well-being of our employees and serving our customers is our top priority. Our solutions are essential to healthy living – to maintaining indoor air quality, transporting the world’s perishable… Pokračovat ve čtení Providing essential services during this time of uncertainty, Carrier’s response to COVID-19
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Apr. 22, 2020 As part of its commitment to provide customers with solutions that use the right refrigerant for each application, Carrier has selected R-32 refrigerant to replace R-410A refrigerant, a high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant, in commercial chillers using scroll technology. R-32 was chosen for its lower environmental impact, high energy… Pokračovat ve čtení Carrier Chooses R-32 Refrigerant for Commercial Scroll Chillers